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Famous Architects
Famous Architects
  • Aalto, Alvar
  • Botta, Mario
  • Gaudi, Antonio
  • Gehry, Frank
  • Graves, Michael
  • Hadid, Zaha
  • Omura, George
  • Wright, Frank Lloyd
    Famous Architects
    Alvar Aalto
    Alvar Aalto
    Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) is considered a modern architect, yet his work exhibits a carefully crafted balance of intricate and complex forms, spaces, and elements, and reveals a traditionalism rooted in the cultural heritage and physical environment of Finland.
    Mario Botta
    Mario Botta
    Born in Mendrisio, Ticino , on April 1, 1943. After an apprenticeship with the architectural firm of Carloni and Camenisch in Lugano, he first attends the Art College in Milan and then studies at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice .
    Antonio Gaudi
    Antonio Gaudi
    Antonio Gaudi was a unique architectural talent, not easily compared with other architects in the terms used by architectural historians. Not only was his work strongly individualized, but Antonio Gaudi was fortunate to have loyal clients to support him.
    Frank O. Gehry

    Frank O. Gehry
    Frank O. Gehry is the principal of the Los Angeles, California, architecture firm of Frank O. Gehry & Associates. Frank Gehry 's designs, which explore the possibilities inherent both in the methods of constructing and assembling architecture and in the formal composition of architectural forms...

    Michael Graves
    Michael Graves
    Born on July 9, 1934 in Indianapolis, Indiana, Michael Graves had a childhood interest in drawing and painting that has stayed with him throughout his career in architecture. Michael Graves received his architectural training at the University of Cincinnati in a cooperative program that allowed him to work in the architectural office of Carl A.
    Zaha Hadid
    Zaha Hadid
    Zaha Hadid is an architect who consistently pushes the boundaries of architecture and urban design. Her work experiments with new spatial concepts intensifying existing urban landscapes in the pursuit of a visionary aesthetic that encompasses all fields of design...
    George Omura George Omura
    George Omura is an architect, illustrator, and animator, but he is mostly known for his books. He is a world-renowned author with more than 500,000 books in print, mostly about AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. The first book I read about AutoCAD, back in 1991, was written by George.
    Frank Lloyd Wright
    Frank Lloyd Wright
    Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) has been called “simply the greatest artist [America] has ever produced in any field of the visual or musical arts.” Born just two years after the end of the American Civil War, he was witness to the extraordinary changes that swept the world from the 19th century horse and carriage to the 20th century rocket ship.
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    Famous Architects